As a Brain Empowered Wellness trainer, I am trying to break the stigma still attached to the words' mental illness.' Shame holds too many people back from getting the help that they need. No one is shamed for having diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, even though lifestyle choices contribute to these illnesses.
Too often, social stigmas and biased attitudes cause people to feel like their mental health issues are due to a character flaw or personal weakness. What I've learned through my own journey of suffering from depression and anxiety, is that too often people are told to 'suck it up' or to 'stop acting crazy.' That's like saying to someone with diabetes to 'start producing more insulin' and 'stop your blood sugar from crashing.'
Disorders like depression, anxiety, ADHD, panic disorders, bipolar, addictions, and schizophrenia, are brain health problems that have both a biological and neurological basis. Family history, genetics, traumatic brain injuries, exposure to toxins (like mold, drugs or alcohol), infections, chronic stress, being overweight, insomnia, hormones, diet, and other factors can contribute to the health of your brain.
If your brain isn't working correctly (due to blood flow, being damaged, or not getting the right neurotransmitters), you can't work correctly either. With 50% of Canadians suffering from a brain health disorder in their lifetime, its imperative to take active measures to care for your brain and to stop the shame and stigma now!