Internal resistance is one of those things that most of us are familiar with, but don't think about much. For example, any time that we find ourselves wishing or hoping that something in our lives was different, we are demonstrating the kind of resistance I am talking about – resistance to 'what is.'
Whether it's a job that you don't enjoy or a conflict with someone else, our inner resistance will be the first to create a' story' of how we are being mistreated. Or we may think that we deserve what is happening because of our past. We may even feel justified in our anger, hurt, and frustration. However, anytime we create a story in our minds, we continue to resist the present moment by projecting our thoughts into the past or the future.
Now, does that mean that we accept life situations as they are and succumb to whatever life throws our way? Absolutely not. However, when we resist what is happening in the present moment, we continue to listen to our stories and accept them as true and real. Rarely do these negative stories solve a problem or help us find peace. Instead, they often create more frustration, anger, or fear, which will never propel us forward in a positive way.
However, when we accept what is happening at this moment, we free ourselves from negativity and the attachment to what is making us unhappy. It's not the situation that causes our unhappiness; it's our interpretation of the situation and resistance to 'what is' which causes our unhappiness.
Acceptance implies no negativity of 'what is.' Instead, it creates a space in which you can ask yourself, "What is the next right action that I need to take in this moment?" This question alone will enhance your ability to bring about change in a situation through actions that are no longer based in negativity. It changes your focal point from your story about what is happening, to what you can change.
When we stop resisting, we stop the negative from persisting. Bringing our awareness to the present moment and accepting it enables us to release our expectations, judgments, and negativity and allows for real change to occur.